Welcome back to the long road ahead part six! This journey will take you over bumps, twists, a few turns, and fortunately a few good beers before it’s over. Hopefully, you won’t be puking at the end of the ride, but instead enjoying a good ‘ol buzz of BEER CHEER!

Last week was a big one. I was able to catch up with Bend Brewing Company (BBC) and we are now working to bring their beer bottles to the game, and also offer some cool prizes for redemption at their pub located in downtown Bend, Oregon. This week you can see some of the early progress that’s been made to the scenes for BBC as we work to bring a unique experience that BBC fans will enjoy while waiting on their next Hop Head at the pub.
Along with a ton of new artwork added to the game I have been hammering out bugs as usual. There were a few show-stoppers that kept the player from moving between scenes. These have been removed with a forceful stomp to the face. A lot of UI work has been done to scene transitions as well making it appear a little smoother.

This week will be filled with more bug squashing, and hopefully, I can get some work done on the Google Play Saved Games issue. The goal is to have that done within the next week or two for sure so that I can start iOS development. It’s more than apparent how many people have iPhones, so we gots to make the jump. Along with all that be on the lookout for additional game mechanics, and some scene tweaking.
My family also celebrated my Dad’s 83rd birthday over the weekend. He celebrated with a requested can of Coors Lite and the presence of his three grandsons. My father has always been an old-school guy. No matter how many Ching Chings or Boneyard RPMs I put under his nose he turns up only for Coors. After 83 years he can enjoy whatever beer floats his boat, I guess.
Thanks for stopping by once more. I hope you got a good snore. Hey, that rhymed.